6 Aug 2017, 05:54

I think you are headed in the right direction. I like that you are distinguishing your characters with different hair shapes. To me, they do feel like kids, and they have an appealing look. I think you could exaggerate even more, but that's just a personal preference. I do think they work as is. If I'm interpreting this correctly there will be a bear version and a human version of the same character Callisto, and the same for Arcas? If so, I wonder if there is a way to make the bear version and the human version visually tied together in some way. With color for example, or perhaps proportion. Just an idea. I also think it's ok to have a muscular kid, especially if it's someone like Zeus. . . though it could be interesting if he was terribly skinny as a kid. Anyway, just throwing out ideas that you can feel free to disregard.

One thing that I think could be improved upon is how the older bear's head relates to the body. It looks like it's sort of cut and pasted on at this point, and I think it could transition into the body better. I also added a little nub tail, but I know that the tail is a part of the myth, so I'm not sure what your plans for the tail are.


I would also be aware of how you pose the pegasus. The back legs feel a bit static for the pose.

Good luck with your next stage! It seems like a fun project.