...I think. Welcome any feedback.
New art for portfolio...
The only adjustment I would make would be to develop more contrast between your character and the background. She gets lost since her attire is near the same grays as the background. Adding a few bees flying around would add a bit more interest. Otherwise I think it is great!
This makes me happy. I think @tombarrettillo is spot on. A bit more contrast and or color in the beekeepers outfit would make it pop although the color scheme is very pleasing as is. Bees flying about definitely. Some wildflowers for accent? Just tossing things out here, they may make things worse! The only thing that bothers me is the angle of her forward foot. It looks a tad too bendy! This is really, really lovely. Is this digital?
Very cute! I love the colors and the whole idea. I also think her front foot is bent a little up, but other than that, it's adorable.
@stringfellowart I took the liberty of drawing over your art - which is very cute by the way! Love the style!
I think Tom hit it on the head with the value background/foreground relationship. I went both darker and lighter...I hope this helps a little.
@Will-Terry @tombarrettillo @bnewman @Pamela-Fraley Thanks guys! I'm going to do some tweaking and come back.
Very cute piece - Awesome style!
I really like the modification @Will-Terry made with the dark background. Great work!
@tombarrettillo I agree with Tom.
@stringfellowart Looks good!
this looks much better. and the dark background really helps define the lighting. nice work.