Draw 50 Things Challenge
I started working on the draw50things challenge. So far it has been really good practice and I surprised myself by how much doing the prep work sped up the actual drawing part.I am at the sketch stage and show my previous stages at the top. Think I am going to do some more neatening up but this is the general layout.
I spent a lot of time thinking about room shapes and planning out angles because it took me a while try something different from what @Will-Terry had done in the demo. I hope having the diagonal across the wall makes it interesting.My main focus will be the figure at the till and the dog.
It is a really interesting image and I love the concept. Drawing looks nice too. In your value study, you are using only about 30% of the possible value range - this tends to kill your focal point and to make everything look a dull gray.
I have made a very rough adjustement (I am not on PS now, so I do not have all the nice tools that photoshop has!), just to see how the image look with a wider value range.It would need a bit finer touch, but I think it explains what I mean...It is still not going all the way to black or to white (often not a good idea), but is using about 70-80% of the value range now.
This is something I struggle with which is why I always do a black and white version.
I did use the level tool but it is hard to know how far to go. Obviously further than I think!
Does this look better or does it need to go further? I usually add colour with a colour overlay so don't want to have to much pure white or black.
- 7 days later
@sarahelliott489 dude this is incredible!
@sarahelliott489 really like the color
@sarahelliott489 Loving the colors!