Pro Productivity Tips: 5 Steps on How To Complete Big Projects
Keep asking "What is the biggest thing I can do to move this project along"- This keeps you focused on the bigger items and not getting bogged down into smaller details that don't make as much difference
Start with something that is the most exciting thing about the project. This gets the project moving along. Then, do the most boring thing (again focusing on big things that move the project forward). Alternate between enjoyable tasks and boring ones.
Give yourself small, very specific goals. Example: "I'll get this background blocked in by noon, and then the foreground blocked in by 3:00"
Try to schedule small, fun things alongside the big project. That way you aren't doing only one thing all the time. This also keeps you fresh.
Keep the focus on quality and enjoying each step. Care about each step. Watch out for "wanting the project to be over". This leads to hurrying and sloppy work.
If you haven't see it yet, I'd love to show you a big project I'm working on: