5 Oct 2016, 18:41

Hey guys,

As we work our way through Inktober I wanted to make a quick post and talk about process. Inktober is awesome for getting the ol' pens moving and creating art. I am all for the project AS LONG AS IT IS FULFILLING YOU AND MOVING YOUR ART FORWARD IN SOME WAY.

Sometimes the pressure to do daily drawings/paintings can overwhelm you. You may feel pressured to do any old drawing so you can check off the daily drawing box and say that you did it. But doing work that doesn't move you forward can be almost as bad as doing nothing at all.

So I like to encourage people to take a step back and think about what kind of work you want to be doing and what the steps are to doing that kind of work. Getting one good painting in a month is better than having 31 images if they don't do much for you.

Remember, everything you say yes to means saying no to other projects and things. So saying yes to a bigger, more meaningful project may yield more benefits that saying yes to lots of little projects that are basically throwaways.

Again, if you are loving daily drawings, keep at it! but if you aren't getting satisfaction out of it, maybe take a few days off. Write down some things you might want to really accomplish with your art. And take a slower approach. I call this method "Thinktober"