September 3rd Thurs. idea
I really like the idea! It reminds me of the book by Edward Gorey 'The Gashleycrumb Tinies' where each kid meets a sticky end (Lee White references it a lot in his Visual Storytelling Techniques Video)...this sketch could easily be 'T is for Thomas who was eaten by lions'.... Personally I would have something showing over the railings, doesn't have to be super explicit (eg could be just grass/greenery) just an indication that the illustration doesn't end with the railings. Will be great to see the next version
Nice idea. I think you need to draw a lion down there though. Waiting for his dinner.
@evilrobot I have another version with a lion, but not sure if I want to leave it to viewer imagination. Going to play with the composition though.
@Dulcie The Tinies were in my mind when I drew this.
- topic:timeago_later,9 days
I love your composition! Looking good!
Maybe you could draw a dark shadow, with glowing yellow eyes, instead of drawing a detailed lion...
I like how this has progressed. I'm personally a minimalist fan.
@drawingmelee I'm toying with the paws of the lion reaching up to snatch Thomas. Still leaning though toward leaving it to the imagination, but might try it out to see if I like it. The beauty of Photoshop - add it on a new layer, throw it away if you don't like it.
@Rebecca-Hirsch Indeed, that's one of my favorite things of photoshop.
Now I'm wondering if this is a little too derivative of Gorey...hmm...
@Rebecca-Hirsch I love Edward Gorey too - i do not see what you are doing as being derivative - the dark humor is in the same vein - making the same marks and adopting his peculiar way of drawing people and setting them in edwardian/victorian settings would be in the derivative realm i think but could still be worth doing if you wanted to emulate his style and synthesize it into your own some day - i think you should not worry
@Kevin-Longueil Thanks, second guessing oneself is all part and parcel of being (or trying to be) creative, isn't it? At any rate there is no time to do another idea so this will have to do. Appreciate your view, thanks.
So clever!
Looks great.