SCBWI portfolio showcase opinions please!
Hey guys I’ve never done any SCBWI stuff before and wondering which of my existing pieces I should enter… I want to create a new piece or two but if I can’t finish in time which of these do you think I should use? I would love to use the Hansel and Gretel one but I designed it to go with the text like a full spread and none of the past winners and honorees didn’t really have any open space for text what are your thoughts? Thanks @Valerie-Light for notifying me! I might have missed the opportunity! Now I wish I had more time
@Asyas_illos I love the Bunnies running with the puffer fish stars.
Overall I think these are lovely but red riding hood is the weakest due to lack of storytelling.
How many pieces can you bring this year?
@carlianne only three I am going to do my best to bust a couple out! Thanks for the feedback
@Asyas_illos I quite like your Hansel & Gretel piece with the text (but I'm clueless about SCBWI requirements).
I also think that the pufferfish piece stands out the most due to the strong color palette.
@JQ thank you probably also because it’s absolutely ridiculous too, haha.
@Asyas_illos I love the bunnies running through the graveyard and Hansel and Gretel but you're probably right about not including one if you've noticed that no one has won with that kind of image before.
@Asyas_illos i prefer the first 3.
@Asyas_illos I think your strongest piece is #3, the weakest would be #4
Ok so far the dream race seems to be a favorite I think it really grabs your attention too so that’s a keeper I think I’ll try and rework the cemetery one with different characters because I just love that one too. Thank you for the feed back so far everyone!
@Asyas_illos Great idea for the ghostly encounter! I like this idea.
@Asyas_illos Number 3 should definitely go. That color scheme will stand out and catch people’s eye.
Yes, it’s a competition, but the biggest thing to remember is this is a great opportunity to get your art in front of editors and agents. SCBWI tells them you’re focused and trying hard in the right direction, so they’ll have they’re guard down a little and browse. Now is a time people will come looking for your work.
What do you want people to pick you for? What sums up your style best?
Hansel and Gretel may not have won in the past, but if it’s the best summation of your work, then include it. Definitely a great piece.
@KevinTreaccar thank you for the feedback! @Valerie-Light hopefully I can pull it off!
Asya, do you have a website right now? I think your bunny graveyard piece is strongest of these.
@Asyas_illos I think this is a great idea. Plus it will allow you to include this piece as well as the puffer fish piece since they won’t both be on the rabbit road race theme
@Griffin haha yes everything I have is rabbits racing!!! Lol
@KathrynAdebayo no it’s next on the list for me!