28 Jul 2021, 18:18

@RachelArmington said in How To Deal With Fear Of Success:

Not familiar with Denril, but a quick search suggest that it's a translucent paper of some kind?
That makes perfect sense! Quick easy way to add a credit line/contact info to physical media images.

And I'm reminded of how I developed this credit line/promotion position in the first place:

Years ago I was a newbie illustrator making work and putting it out on the internet.
Online websites had replaced physical portfolios as the way to contact AD's. And you didn't put your name on every image in a physical portfolio! So I didn't put it on every image on my website.

One illustration I created was my interpretation of "The Little Dutch Boy" tale. I created the image posted it to my website and . . . promptly forgot about it.
On to new and better things!

Well, about 10 years later I get an e-mail from a company that wants to relicense the image for a promotional brochure campaign. They had a budget of $5K.
Needless to say I was more than happy to do the deal and license the image for this use!

But -- this was just a self promotional image that I had only ever posted to my website.
My old website.
A website that was no longer even up. (having been replaced multiple times over)
But the domain name was still the same!

I asked the client how they found me. The client sent me the jpeg they had on file.
It was a horribly tiny little image that had clearly been wandering the net from some time.

But some beautifulšŸ¦‹, wonderfulšŸŒˆ, gracious personšŸ­ had blatantly plastered a white box in the lower left corner with the word "www.davidhohn.com" in Times New Roman bold black type.
Graphically hideous.šŸ¤®
Financially beautiful.šŸ¤‘
And from then on I've included the line "davidhohn.com" on every image I post to the web.