Love this piece @Melissa-Bailey-0!
As for me, I have no intention to quit my career in engineering and construction because I love it and it pays the bills. It’s nice not having to choose either-or.
But I have this creative itch in writing and illustrating children’s books, which I’m actively pursuing in the evenings and weekends (when my family lets me,
). SVS has helped me create a map, and I’m enjoying learning.
Putting in the drawing miles is something that I’m focused on, because I started very late (I mean like 2019 late!!!). Seriously! Sometimes I feel like I’ll never catch up, but then who cares? I’m only competing against myself…
Nevertheless, I’m enjoying taking my time and exploring creativity without the pressures of making money with my art. The forum here is full of amazing folks always willing to help and offer advice, for which I’m extremely grateful.
Great podcast gents!