15 Jul 2021, 02:57

@Jeremy-Ross Hi Jeremy, I have yet to listen to the podcast in its entirety (always the latecomer) but the engineer story struck an immediate chord with me — because that's my story too. And the same doubts and fears of jumping ship without a net because, well, I'm not a twentysomething anymore — but I've coming to the point where I'm judging hard where my real happiness lies and where doesn't. And while money is definitely important, fulfilling the wants and desires of the soul is what will give you more happiness as a person in the long run, provided you know what you are doing. I've been on a 6-month dry spell of making art because of a house remodeling project and those things suck all your remaining time and energy... but i'm back on the saddle again, trying to enjoy the ride, further learn along the way and not think too much about money at this stage. Cheers!