So when it comes to characters, I work FAST. The things that take me the longest on a full illustration are the environments, lighting, and planning. Dear goodness me the PLANNING takes like 60 percent of my time with all the friggin' thumbnails and colour comps and other stuff.
But this time I don't need to do that. I just need to draw a character in a few different angles/poses which I can knock out super duper fast.
SO I'm gonna doodle as many doodles as I can to try and find MY perfect Yeti. I'm gonna start with a bunch of reference for primates (there's SUPER cool lookin monkeys out there!) and once I have a sort of idea the direction I want to head I'll start playing around with adjectives, actions, ages, genders, and all that kind of stuff. I may search out other yeti art and see what others have done.
Basically, I'm gonna doodle yetis until... geez, I dunno, boxing day? Maybe the day before new year's eve? And then I'll work on the finished piece.
Here's reference and some initial doodles based on neat lookin' primates! I'm gonna try and find more.
So far I'm liking the idea of moustaches, and fur that looks like it's wearing a scarf and thick winter coat. I think I want my yeti to look like it's wearing a snowsuit, scarf, and other winter accoutrements but have it all made out of fur