@Freya-Chakour thank you I’ve been staring at it a lot and the softness of the hat and the hardness of the nostril is something I had been feeling too, I will be working on that today! I think I’ll harden up the hat in the area especially closer to Dorothy, as I want the focal point to be between Dorothy and the eye of the witch, so some harder edges there. I may just redo the whole hat but will try just some adjusting first. Great idea about smashing around some hard edges and textures !
@Aisleen thanks so much for the feedback!
I did some more work late last night, softened black line on witches face, am putting Dorothy and Toto in now. They’re unfinished so far and I’m toying with how much detail to have I there, especially on the faces but even the dress. I might smash up the textures or the overall solidity of it, I had one done on a soft light layer and Dorothy was really washed out but it was kind of cool. So I’m figuring out the balance between hard and soft and details and lost edges. I’m certainly not there yet! I’m trying to get it pretty. I have finished before Saturday night so I can add to my scbwi portfolio showcase.
If anyone had any thoughts on how to position Dorothy and Toto that would be helpful. In one I have Dorothy and Toto both looking off sort of towards the title, Dorothy holding a poppy. The other has Dorothy holding a basket with Toto in it, and a poppy in her hair. And another one Dorothy holding the basket and Toto sitting and looking at Dorothy’s face, no poppy.