Art Critiques Please
Some of my artwork that I have been working on. Tell me whats good and what needs a change. Some are pulled apart and separated, such as only the backgrounds being shown in the images or only the characters being shown in the images.
Character Separation from Gym Scene:
Character Separation from Gym Scene 2:
Character Separation from Bus Scene:
Character Separation from Bus Scene 2:
Halls Background:
Locker-room Background:
Combined Locker-room 1:
Combined Locker-room 2:
Bus Background:
Combined Bus 1:
Combined Bus 2:
It's a little hard to tell what going on in the full scenes since the characters are transparent, maybe a white background would help?
I think you're style is really fun, reminds me of power puff girls!
My biggest suggestion would be to watch out for tangents. When two lines seem to collide it can make it harder to read or understand the image or tell what is behind and what is in front.
For example the legs and arms here:
![alt text](image url )
I think that would help a lot with the clarity!
@Young-One You need to give us more to go on. Asking if something is good or not is pointless, it depends on the context. If Picasso asked caravaggio "is this any good", caravaggio would likely say "no, shes only got one eye, and her nose is upside down."
What style are you going for, are you concerned about perspective, will the characters be in colour, will there be any lighting? Be more specific, and you will get better feedback, otherwise theres not really much anyone can say.
The stylization of the backgrounds is pretty cool!
but I'm wondering, Is it on purpose that your characters don't have form and all have the same face? -
@carlianne thanks for your response! Changing the arms to better illustrate what he`s doing can better express the character.
@gavpartridge what your seeing is just the line work and some flat tonal colors on the backgrounds. I see what you mean with what you said. Next time when I submit a critique Ill be more detailed in what I'm trying to ask for. In general, whatever comes into mind when first seeing these drawings is all I`m asking for. Perspective, recommendations, changes, etc.
@Frost-Drive Yes, on purpose I was trying to make characters express the same towards a more general feeling in whatever was going on in the scene.
@Young-One I think maybe you misunderstood me. I meant in general you have this issue a lot. Maybe this image will help.
@carlianne Oh, thanks. That picture sent helps a lot too.