Hi, all! I'm starting to compile a list of agencies and publishers that I want to submit to, and I have a few questions. Would anyone who has experience with submissions be able to lend their thoughts?
A lot of companies have a submissions page (Bright's, for example). If they have a page like this, should I ALSO send an e-mail? Should I be trying to email directly to AD's/agents, or is it fine to e-mail the general "submissions@company[dot]com"? (Basically, I want to make sure I cover all my bases, without being redundant and obnoxious. Does that make sense?)
Do postcards count as unsolicited submissions? Some companies forbid postal submissions. Are companies ever annoyed by postcards?
I live in the US, but I've found a lot of companies located in other countries. (Mainly the UK and Canada.) Is it legal/appropriate (?) for me to apply to companies outside of my country?
They might be kinda dumb questions, but I would really appreciate if anyone has any advice. Thank you so much!