newbie comin through!!
well hello there!!
weeeeell...I dont have much to say unlike all you guys out there...but! I just thought that its only polite to introduce myself!!
So all im gonna say is that I LOVE to draw and ive always wanted to take an illustration course! It took me a lot of time to find the perfect one till i saw svs and i said 'wooow!! this is perfect!!'
Im a real beginner compared to all the awesome stuffout there on svs learn....but im here to learn arent i?? So cant wait to learn tonz of fab things here at svs!! -
@rochelle hi! Welcome to the forums!
@rochelle hello!! Welcome!
@rochelle Welcome to SVS!
Welcome Rochelle!
Welcome Welcome!
@rochelle – Nice to meet you! :-]
@rochelle Hello there! Welcome
Welcome @rochelle! Perfect time to start!
welcome rochelle!!!
aw, I guess now I know what it looks like when someone deletes their account. I wonder if it was by accident.