@ArtofAleksey Awesome! I'll take look. Thanks.
Help Finding 11x17 Scanner
Does anyone know of a good scanner that scans up to 11x17 and doesn't cost $1,000? Seems as though most only scan up to 8.5x11.
@Tamisha I was looking for one of these as well and was struggling a bit. But I just re-googled it and came up with these:
I googled 'tabloid scanner'. So many times it is about finding the right words for google.
I have no idea how good either of these is... and you will want to make sure they work with your OS.
@theprairiefox Might want to check the reviews as well. The PlusTek is apparently NOT for artwork. But they have a higher-end model that is.
@theprairiefox Thank for your help! I'll check the scanners you found and let you know what I come up with.
@Tamisha I had the Plustek flatbed scanner, the software you need to make it work was really annoying, every time you updated your computer with something the software would stop working you would need to reinstall it (even though it was the same software version!) They also stopped supporting the software so if it doesnt work or if your scanner doesnt work ohh well. I wanted to get the xerox one but it was way out of my current budget. I ended up buying a nice all in one printer that has a wide format bed for scanning as well as several printer paper sizes. And has a back track for special paper like bristol or watercolor It was perfect for my comics making class.
How I used it:
- I printed the pencil drawings on bristol paper and inked on top of it.
- Draw thumbnails, scanned them and blew them up, reprinted them on large paper and lightboxed on top of it.
It's not the best scanner/printer in the world but it was great for what I needed and way cheaper than the other options.
- It's pretty large and a bit heavy so MAKE SURE YOU MEASURE the space you have available and see if it will fit in that space.
- Check paper and the print sizes to make sure it's what you need.
@ArtofAleksey Awesome! I'll take look. Thanks.
- 17 days later
What kindof quality do you need? Do you need to scan sketches or rough linework? Or do you need a high quality scanner for finished artwork?
I ask because I've been experimenting with photo-scanner apps on my ipad. Instead of scanning, I just take a photo with the device. The quality is good enough for progress shots and bringing my rough linework into painting apps.
I use Epson 7610, it cost only ~$120 USD 3 years ago. I use it for illustration scanning, and haven't received any complaints from my PB editors so far. The newer version now is 7720 I believe? It is 13x19 pigment or in other words, waterproof printer with scanner, high resolution up to 600 dpi scanning. Ink cartridge has been blocked after 1 year of use (and not way to effectively clean it ...) so I got another printer for printing .... but the printing function of this old 7610 was not affected at all, and I have been using it as a scanner so far. It's bulky though, if you live in a small space, you may want to just get a flat bed scanner.
Scanners are so expensive! I suggest looking on ebay/facebook marketplace/gumtree/any local sites to see what you can find. I was incredibly lucky when looking to buy a scanner. My dad found an old Epson GT 20000 A3 scanner for sale for a whopping £30 on a local buy and sell site. The guy hadn't plugged it in so didn't guarantee it worked but for £30 I took the risk and it works perfectly. Couldn't believe my luck lol, when I look online a second hand version of this scanner is £650+