3 Mar 2020, 20:57

Hi Nathalie! You are producing some really beautiful work. I have a couple of suggestions to add, but please take them with a grain of salt!

  1. I think you'd have an overall cleaner presentation if you took out the paragraph text from the images. NOT the pieces with titles, those are great, but the text from the snow tracks piece and the frog piece. It's not always the case, but I have noticed that many illustrators I follow leave out the text from images that most likely were made to include paragraph text. I find it makes for a stronger overall portfolio impression.

  2. In some of your pieces the rendering includes pencil texture over top. I think you should apply this element to all of you children's illustrations. I think it's more marketable for contemporary tastes and it will help to unify your portfolio.

  3. I'd consider making some black and white illustrations that would fit well into middle grade books. Your style looks like it could work well in that market as well, and it could open up some more opportunities.

Hope that was helpful. I loved hearing what others had to say. Good luck in your career journey!