Hi I'm Charlie Eve
Hi all,
I'm Charlie Eve Ryan, long time SVS student and huge fan of Will, Jake and lee's work. SVS has really helped me grow as an artist. Once I started to take their classes and apply what I learned, it gave me the confidence to start submitting my work. Once I started to submit to a hand full of agents, I ended up with interest from 4 all within a two month period. It was crazy and I have SVS to thank! I am currently working on a pb dummy/ms with my agent and their courses have been a life saver for me. Had I not discovered their classes, this already extremely exciting yet daunting task would be completely overwhelming.
I have so much to learn and everyday I'm discovering something new. With confidence, of course, comes moments of crushing self doubt about my skill set and my sanity! Lol. Mostly, I feel blessed, nervous and excited all at the same time. It pushes me to work harder and have the confidence to finish the work and hit send.
I am happily married with two children, so my days are filled with art, words, jelly faced kisses, work and lots of play time!
Thanks guys for helping me find my creative voice!
Here is a link to my website, I will be updating it soon. www.charlieeveryan.com
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You have a cute style and I like the way you apply texture in your illustrations. That's great news about finding work and how SVS has helped you. Awesome to hear
Thanks Amanda for your kind words. I'm very thankful for SVS and love that I can continue to grow as an artist and business woman and interact with others along the way. It's a great community of creatives!
@Charlie-Eve-Ryan Hi Charlie. Your story is inspiring. I am struggling with confidence on a daily basis and to know there could be a light at the end of the tunnel if i work hard and I'm good enough. I love your work, It's a beautiful style. Have a lovely day. Pete.
@Peter-Jarvis Thanks for the kind words. I hear ya on the confidence thing, I think even the most experienced artists struggle with it. It comes with being a creative, we live inside our heads and constantly question our ability. I guess the key is too let in push you to improve and not allow it to stiffle your journey. Eat chocolate instead, lol. Too many artists give up too early because drawing is hard and painting is hard and it all takes a TON of work. The amount of tiny decisions that our brains are making with every piece is really incredible when you think about it.
Embrace the challenge. Work hard but allow yourself to enjoy the process. As @Will-Terry says we can only do what we are capable of doing right now, in a year our work should be and will be better as long as we challenge ourselves everyday.
@Charlie-Eve-Ryan thank you for replying. I couldn't have said it any better myself. Wise words indeed. You will be glad to hear that I eat lots of chocolate. It really does keep me going through the late nights. I am thoroughly embracing the 10,000 hour rule. I don't mind how long it takes, I won't let me illness hold me back. Have a lovely day.