Looking for feedback
I would enlarge the little girl and a dog a little, and the left side of the image seems a bit empty. Otherwise a great little drawing.
don't use that paper if you're gonna do a comic sketche, expensive and not apropiated for linework
Steve, Alberto thank you for the feedback! I really appreciate it, Steve I steered away from what I was originally going to do and I think I will go back to that, thanks that was very helpful.
Alberto, thank you for the suggestion, I do my comics in watercolour, so I do my inking on watercolor paper. It works out for me, but I agree, if I were scanning and coloring digitally I would use a different paper!
Look forward to seeing you what you do
This is a really detailed sketch! I too am looking forward to seeing the finished painting.
You guys are so nice, I will post here as I go along!
Wow you have done a excellent job. Great use of color.
This is great I really like your color and drawing!
Very nice work, has an "old timey" feel!
Thanks, I feel like I could really work on my painting skills, they never turn out how I want them to.
Yes...terrific! Your color choices and handling of the media are well done.
If I were to add one point of critique is was for me the crossbow in the first panel. I couldn't really tell what the character was holding at first. The bow seemed to get lost in the figure/clothing. In the second panel it is much clearer that the character is holding a weapon which clued me in to the fact that there was the crossbow in the first panel.
The dog is very well done!
Love the traditional medium and texture. I would suggest cleaning up the gutters and making them pure white. As is, it's hard to read the panels as 3 separate images.
Rob, do you think I need to tweak the value on the crossbow? would that help it stand out more?
Shannon, Thanks I see that now I will make those a little more defined in photoshop!
Thanks for your feed back very helpful!
This looks so awesome! I would read this whole comic, you do beautiful work. One tiny thing--I don't quite see one of the eyes of the character in the first panel, and that may be why the gaze seems to be going off to the right rather than at what is being pointed at. I'm not sure if that was intentional, I just thought I'd point it out.
Ooh, nice! Love the style. Could there be a bit more variation in the clothing and dogs? I think for the person farthest away, the blue would be lighter.
@Kimberli-Johnson What lovely paintings you make Kimberli! Appealing and lively, but also easy to read. I Love it!