30 Oct 2015, 14:49

Masters of Anatomy is publishing new books: http://mastersofanatomy.com/book2and3
One of these books is dedicated to character design and will contain designs of all Robin Hood characters from 130 artists.

They propose this challenge:
Design all 8 characters of robin hood. The theme is free, it can be for graphic novel, movie, childrens book, anything. Genre is also free, it can be comedy, fairy tale, action,... But characters must be unique, fresh and original. Copying disney just wont cut it.

And I say, lets do it and lets set deadline to December 17 (a month from the books kickstarter start). When you are done, just post your designs here and we can vote later for the winner or just decide by upvotes. (just to have motivation to make it as good as possible 🙂 )

Characters are
Little Jon
The Sheriff on Nottingham
The witch of Papplewick
Corrupt advisor
Prince Jon

What do you think?