12 Days of Christmas
Since there was no contest this month I figured I would do a little project instead. Thanks to @smceccarelli idea she did for Halloween, I am doing 12 characters and on the 13th day (Christmas) I will post them all together.
Day 01 - The Elf that helps change Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeers light blub.
Day 02 - The Candy Cane Pickers. Where do you think candy canes come from? These cute little guys go out everyday to the candy cane fields and pick only the very best of them.
Day 03 - Carpenter Elf, the man behind the construction of the North Pole. He knows all the hidden passage ways to get into the Naughty and Nice list room. Pay him a little something extra and he will make sure your name is on the nice list.
Day 04 - Fred the Snowman, everyone knows about Frosty the snowman, but no magic needed for this guy. He is helping the elves year round up at the north pole.
Day 05 - Hot Cocoa Elf, Everyone knows that Santa likes a good cup of hot cocoa. Elf Cocoa makes the best in the world.
Day 06 - Buddy the Christmas Hound, Santas best friend. Not much more to say about this loyal friend.
Day 07 - Sammy the Sexy Frog, one of my older characters, makes a come back to help out on Christmas Eve.
Day 08 - Ballerina Elf, she helps entertain all the hard workers on Christmas Eve. Everyone loves to watch a great dance, how else do you get away from the craziness of Christmas?
Day 09 - Nutcracker Guard, Always on watch making sure everything runs smooth.
How fun! And what a great idea! Wish I would have seen this sooner, I might have joined in
Day 10 - SVS Red Rabbit, back a few months ago I did a character design for the @svslearn logo. Well he decided to go help Santa this year, and his little friend Timmy the Turtle will be coming tomorrow.
Day 11 - Timmy the Turtle, he might be slow but he is quick to help Santa on the big day.
I can’t wair for the group shot! These are so awesome. I love a good consistent collection!
@whitney-simms Thanks!
Day 12 - The Big Guy! It's not Christmas without Santa and Rudolph. Come back tomorrow to see them all together!
The final banner with all the characters, Merry Christmas SVS!