who are your favourite watercolour artist heros?
@teju-abiola If being forgiving in watercolor is your goal then check out the technique created by Burt Silverman and David Levine. It is crazy cool!
Here's one by David Levine (You might recognize his name from his huge career as a NYTimes pen and ink caricature artist, but he created really beautiful watercolors as well)
Burt Silverman created a how to book of the technique the two of them created:
The whole point of the technique is to allow the watercolor painter to be able to lay down a wash of color and then lift it back up. Basically to try and get all the benefits of oil painting but with the immediacy (and non-toxicity) of watercolor. I watched George Pratt (comic book watercolor painter) give a demo of the technique this last summer. Really interesting!
*Edit: I just saw that you are a senior at Ringling. So you likely have had George as an instructor. Actually now that I think about it maybe you've also already seen this particular demo? If not, sit George down and get him to paint for you!
@davidhohn I actually have Burt's book in my room right now! Yep, I took Pratt for a painting class and he sure loves his demos
It's amazing watching him paint! I've always really enjoyed the transparent qualities of watercolor, but the more I learn the medium I realize the incredible usefulness using opaques can be.
Amazing list of artists here. So much to learn. Thank you guys.
@davidhohn yes to Holly Hobbie! I just checked out several of her books to study her pieces as I work on master works. She really has such a way with light, composition, and storytelling. She is in my top 3 for sure.
Also John Singer Sargent's watercolors, Quentin Greban, Mariachiara di Giorgio, Dominique Corbasson, Gianluca Garofalo, Rie Nakajima... many styles, depending on what your niche is