Digital Painting Beginner
Hello guys! After working a lot at my drawing basics I thing it's time to start learning digital painting. Which course do you suggest starting with, here at SVS?
@christinakal If you look at this link at level 2 there are the 10 steps to painting and beginning with photoshop that are great to start with.
I finished this course already, really helpful! But, what's next?
@christinakal You can take the 4 artists work with photoshop class. You could also post some work you did after watching the other classes and get feedback.
Which course did you take? Beginning photoshop. . . or 10 steps to painting? Do you have examples of images you've done based on the course you took?
@tessaw I did 10 steps to digital painting but, sadly, when I took that class I wasn't doing the homework (bad student!). Things have changed now, thought.
Seems like a logical place to start would be Beginning Photoshop, as Chip suggested:
@christinakal @Lee-White is doing a beginning digital painting live class which I am pretty sure is full but will be offered again ...(and I think it's going to be in the subscription later?)
@christinakal have you done the mixed media class by Will? That is a great one.
@eli That's awesome!
@eric-castleman Actually no! Is this a good class starting with? I was thinking maybe I should start from Painting Color and Light. I would really like to start my illustrations with value first and then move to color. Feels much easier for me.