@djlambson Thanks!
@sliproot I love your work. The expression on the cellist's face is perfect.
@lorireid Wow this is so cool! Love it!
I wanted to try my hand at manga, so I came up with a fitting story to tell. It was a fun approach. I drew it traditionally on a 19x24 sheet of paper. Turns out there isn't a scanner large enough for that size in my tiny town so I ended up cutting the original into quarters and piecing it back together in photoshop. But I leaned a lot through the process. and I'm pretty pleased with the outcome.
@naters-calderone Wow, so well done!
@naters-calderone hahaha. I had a chance to really read this. Best idea ever.
@naters-calderone Substitute a mandolin for a violin and I've been that kid a thousand times over!
@gary-wilkinson Love it! The three colors make me think this guy can play chords on a horn.
She who always has a song in her heart will always dance.
Music inspires my little one and she inspires me. If there is a melody anywhere around her little body is moving. I had a neat experience as I painted this one. I decided I would listen to her music as I painted. When one particular song came on, "A Million Dreams", and I stopped painting Avery, I started to make her dance. I've painted her, now how do I make her dance?
@demotlj I never pursued an instrument with any actual discipline, I always commend those that have.
@chrisaakins Thanks! yeah the story is the strength of this piece. Did you notice how the instructor resembles a violin? (I hope it's obvious enough)
@naters-calderone For someone who hasn't "pursued an instrument with any actual discipline", you did an amazing job of nailing the feeling. There are a lot of things people post on the forum that I love artistically but this is one of the first times that I've responded so viscerally (in a positive way) to a piece. Wonderful work!
@naters-calderone I totally got that. I thought it was a lady violin at first because of the scroll/bun. (Which for some reason made it all the more awesome that she was kicking his tail.) I love how he finger flicked him to oblivion.
@eunji-jung so lovely!
@naters-calderone brilliant! and as a former violin student I can really feel it
@naters-calderone This is brilliant!!