SVS Classes (Wish list)
Now that I've been looking into this licensing stuff found a few areas where I fall short here of some ideas for classes I'd find useful.
1- Design (How to design eye catching graphics. Design tear sheets and promotional material to send to agents, manufacturers, and publishers.)
2- Hand lettering and fonts: maybe a beginners class on how to make hand drawn fonts and lettering.
3- Boarders and Patterns: How to design patterns and borders in Photoshop and Illustrator and how to package and sell them.
4- Promotional materials- A class that shows examples and ideas of what your promotional materials and emails and contact letters should look like for each industry you are trying to break into. (Maybe bundled in with the design class)Anyway just a few things I find myself falling short on.
Definitely the designing lettering. Especially since hand drawn type is so big still.
@evilrobot I haven’t seen the licensing class yet, but, I think a lot of these types of things can be found other places online. I know specifically there are a lot of YouTube people teaching hand lettering. Maybe Skillshare would be a good place to look too.
Creativebug is another great source of classes: -
Also Bobby Chu has some great stuff: