Sequential art for social media that's not a comic.
Hi folks,
I have been working combining Images with writing that has some kind of narrative. The following is a series of 4 slides that I put on my Instagram.I've been learning a lot from watching the videos here at SVS. The children's book writing and illustration video series in particular. The big lesson I'm taking from that is making your illustration tell a different story from your text.
I figure so many people use there phones and devices. I could see a Father (for example) sharing this with his daughter as a form of encouragement, or just as an act of love. Maybe its the designer in me but I like thinking how the end product might be used. I'm also thinking of doing more of things like this to help build my children's book portfolio, a way to generate interest in my work.
Just wondering if you all think that might be effective. Thanks for letting me show my work.
It's a really nice idea. I imagine that projects such as this could only help bolster your brand and identity. The only problem with social media is that apps are designed for users to consume media in a particular way and they are not typically very kind to sequential art. On Instagram for example, followers will either read sequential art backwards on their feeds or backwards on your page depending on which one you favor. Also, Instagram users tend to consume a lot of material from many different users very quickly, which means that each post needs to stand on its own. I think a blog would work really well for this, perhaps even Facebook.
I like your art. I checked out your website as well; it is very interesting! The only thing I have to say about this piece in particular is that I would personally never tell my daughter she may not be the prettiest, even if she didn't believe it. I imagine most fathers believe their own daughter is the prettiest anyway.
@cory-shaw Thanks, Cory. Good point on the Father's point of view. I tend to do that when I write and create it's in a vacuum. In my brain, Its the sweetest nicest thing and I don't think "Oh if a Dad read it to his daughter he might not want his kid think she looks funny"
I really should look and ask before I post. Thanks for the input it will help me grow.