Daily Drawing
Judy Elizabeth Wilson SVS OG last edited by Judy Elizabeth Wilson 2 May 2018, 16:40 2 May 2018, 16:39
@judy-elizabeth-wilson let me know too!!! I'd love a coloring book of these - Tiger is just the sweetest character and I love the whole world you've created.
On a side note, I have two dogs - a small and a medium sized, who was stealing toys from the smaller one. So we began to call the medium dogs' toys "Tiger" so she learned what toys she was allowed to play with. We've got lots of Tiger stories at my house
@kat I'll let you know. I am definitely making some books. Aww, that's so cute. It's hard work training dogs so I'm glad you have figured out a way to keep the harmony in your house. My dogs rule my house, it is chaos. Also very fun. I have two yorkshire terriers, one chorkie and one chihuahua, they make life fun!
@judy-elizabeth-wilson Wow, that's a houseful! Have fun with the museum project - look like you have a good supervisor there
@kat Thanks Kat. Oh yes, she is the boss you know!
This post is deleted! -
@judy-elizabeth-wilson I love this , this is totally my kind of stuff. Right where I would like to hang all day long. BTW, I don't know if you can see the post i did by accident on this thread, I tried to delete it, or purge it. but I still see it. Sorry, this forums new to me. Keep drawing...Chris
@c-davies Thanks so much. Lol. Welcome to the forum.
wow, u are really close to the end of 365 days... good job for not giving up!
@aska Thanks. Yes, so close. It's going to be cool to see 365 drawings and how they have changed through the year!
Judy Elizabeth Wilson SVS OG last edited by Judy Elizabeth Wilson 17 May 2018, 15:05 16 May 2018, 15:56