Hi Jason. Your work is so fun and weird in a good way. I have a few thoughts.
Illustration #1
I would consider changing the way you render clouds. Instead of using the blur tool, I'd include sharper edges. Look at Adventure Time or Steven Universe backgrounds to see what I mean. Here's one from Steven Universe.

Is the figure supposed to be a man or a woman, or is the gender up for question? To me it looks like a man with somewhat feminine clothing and luscious golden locks. There is nothing wrong with that, of course, but I can make suggestions if I know what you were aiming for in terms of the figure.
There is a haze in the room of the tree roots. Is that supposed to be light or shadow? If it's supposed to be light, the value and perhaps saturation needs to be brought up.
Illustration #2
The rock behind the warrior's sword is a bit heavy handed with the line work and is popping forward a bit too much. I would demphasize that rock a bit.
I would change the font and not have it so crowded and close to the edges of the illustration. I think you can get away with a funky font, because of your style, but it has to be the right one. I don't think this font adds anything.
Illustration #3
The dog in the foreground is too close to the figures down on that path. It creates an awkward reading to the piece and the eye can't flow through it. I'd consider moving them to the far right or left. I would also add more contrast to the figures in the foreground by adding darker occlusion shadows. Perhaps darken them up altogether and amp up the saturation the whole foreground a bit.
Here's an example from Kekai Kotaki

Overall, really cool pieces. I look forward to seeing more.