Here is a quick and dirty warm up sketch video I did this morning. This is my first time using this screen capture software.
Quick and dirty warm up sketch video
Here is a quick and dirty warm up sketch video I did this morning. This is my first time using this screen capture software.
@Charlie-Eve-Ryan hi, Ive checked your site. I like your stuff:-) Did it take you long time to develop your own style? Are you 100% decided to keep it, or do you have moments that you get bored with it? I worry that one of problems with developing a style, can be that i am a bit undecided and can't focus on one thing at the time. However, I am hoping that once i find it, i will stick to it without a doubt
@aska Thanks aska for the kind words. I'm always taking new classes and exploring my work visually, so I'm hopeful that my style will continue to evolve as I learn and my skill set grows. If an artist is actively leveling up, they will naturally want to use those skills and their portfolio style will change with time, but overall it is usually a natural progression.
If you're growing visually your style will change and no artist wants to feel stuck.
It is important to showcase only one or two consistent styles to art directors/editors so they know which artists they are getting today, etc. I have a lot of work I do personally that looks way different from my current style, but it is all done in an effort to learn and develop visually.
Also, it doesn't necessarily mean the work will become more complicated, just more professional, refined, visually exciting and hopefully able to compete more effectively in the current market.
I love what I'm doing now, but my goal is to have more tricks up my sleeve as I go!
There are also days when I think it is complete rubbish, so self-doubt will always sneak in at times. Luckily, there is always something new to learn. That why SVS rocks, because they are constantly adding new classes.
I hope that is helpful and thanks for asking.
PS When in doubt, draw a kid with a tea cup flower on their head. It's always a fun way to start the day.
And another practice screen recording video -
@Charlie-Eve-Ryan ha, ha good advice;)