Happy Valentine and a note on 50Things
Hallo All!
Back from SCBWI and will talk about it soon, but meanwhile a happy Valentine to all loved and lovable:And, I know it is another topic, but I wanted to mention to anyone who is doing the 50 Things challenge (I am trying) that Highlights has an open submission for their hidden object pictures (you can find details on their website) - and you may think about submitting your 50 Things images there at the sketch stage - they may pick them up!
@smceccarelli so cute! I think I saw this on Instagram, but I missed that they are shaped into a heart!
I loved this especially that special moment when I saw the heart
I love this picture!
I need to watch the class for drawing 50 things and try it again. I jump into things too quickly and finish them off before I should, I think
So sweet!