29 Dec 2016, 21:51

This October I changed workplace, and went from designing for newspaper advertising, to designing for packaging. It has really been an uplifting change for me, it was about time too - 11 years in a struggling media-industry has been trying at times.

So my art has been put on hold (again), but I'm trying not to beat myself up about it. My new years resolutions does not contain any hairy goals of quantity or large projects - it is simply to keep drawing and enjoying the process. As I mainly see myself as a graphic designer, and wish to continue with this, art should really be something that gives more than it takes in my life.

So this January I'm starting Croquis once a week at my local Art Society. Croquis / quick sketching / gesture drawing is something I think I will both enjoy and build my skills with.

And I have been drawing a mermaid. I was so frustrated with trying to thumbnail my Kvitebjørn Kong Valemon -piece (the Polar bear, if anyone remembers) that I drew a chubby mermaid instead. Now I want to develop this further and are stuck in the same "I hate to thumbnail"-fase. Oh dear.

This is my original mermaid, done in Sketchbook Pro on my Galaxy Note tab
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And this is a sketchbook page with what was supposed to be thumbnails 😛
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I need to work through this, but I still need to enjoy the process.

And I would like to wish everyone here a very Happy New Year 🙂