Anyway to check my values on procreate?
This would be very useful if it exists. Anyone know?
@Eric-Castleman I haven't really used Procreate; however, theoretically, you should be able to either 1) do a color conversion to grayscale within Procreate (I'd probably duplicate the file before doing such), or 2) exporting a jpg to your tablet's/phone's photo library and doing an edit there to turn the image to "mono" or which ever straight grayscale option (no other fancy filter type).
@Eric-Castleman Hey Eric - bring up "Hue, saturation, brightness" under the magic wand icon - move the saturation slider to zero and it will remove all color from you piece - you could also keep a back layer set to "color" that sits on top of the other layers and turn it on and off to see your values - hope these make sense
Thanks guys! I really appreciate it!
@Eric-Castleman by keep a "back layer set to color" I meant black layer ...... you probably figured that out though ... I seem to multiply my typos when typing on the iPad