19 Aug 2024, 16:48

@Jennifer-Fletcher please keep up the excellent work. Thanks for posting the floor plan and elevation views.

Note there is a grid on each plane. Grids are handy for keeping the objects in the right relationship with one another. Let’s analyze the layout. Since doors are often seven feet tall, we can deduce the ceiling is ten feet tall, and the grid squares are 2x2 feet each. An excellent place to begin is to understand the room's overall size—seven squares by six squares by ten squares or fourteen by twelve by ten feet. Plotting the grid in perspective gives you a foundation for sizing and positioning the furniture in the room.

I’ve often used isometric drawing instead of perspective because it maintains relative sizes without the effect of a vanishing point/s. Here is an example based on the blueprint you provided:


This just helps me wrap my head around the forms and how they relate to one another before I do the perspective drawing.🙂