Cover reveal prior to acquisition?
I am illustrating a few images and cover for a writer who wants to seek publication with a publisher. She wants to post the cover to her social media platforms while subbing around her manuscript. I have been told if you publish an image even to a website prior to acquisition they consider it published. Would this be a downfall to do this while seeking a publisher? Or could I make a character promotional image not intended for the book, for her to share while seeking?
Thanks in advance,
Lisa -
@lmrush If the writer does not want to self-publish, then they don’t get to choose the illustrator. (Unless someone else can say otherwise.) The publisher does that. There is a different process if you want to seek a publisher or agency as both writer and illustrator for a book.
@kayleenartlover Thank you for your time. We are submitting our work together, to be considered simultaneous or separate. With the understanding they could choose another illustrator. My last book the author contracted me to create a few images to sub with her ms and we were fortunate the publisher hired us together. True, it is not typical but that is how it worked out for us. My question is if an image intended for the book is posted online prior to an acquisition is that considered previously published. I have heard it is. Thank you!
@lmrush I guess it could be a problem, but only if the image in question would make it into the final book which is questionable. I'd consider images submitted with a pitch to be "marketing materials" and wildly susceptible to change before publication. The cover especially is so important and several rounds of feedback are expected, if not a complete concept change and re-design.
@lmrush maybe keep it subtle and just use one of the characters in a "coming soon" post, showing perhaps only a portion of the character, to: 1. create mystery about the book, and 2. keep you from hurting your chances by putting out too much.
And while I have do not have any experience myself, I do know that publishing takes quite a bit of time, so I would be wary of putting anything out too soon. I might even wait until you have actually secured a publisher thereby avoid any issues.
Hi @lmrush, that’s perfectly fine and great for a pitching event. It’s just a mock up anyway, the book will change.
Here’s an example of one of my pitches, which has a mock-up cover. Several agents are reviewing, wish me luck!
@NessIllustration thank you!
@tom-barrett Thank you!
@Jeremy-Ross Thank you, also checked out the link on X, great work and I followed you
Thank you @lmrush!