HTFYA Flight
Ive been working on this one with my university prof, but I’d love some critique/suggestions before I submit it to him.
I would love some insight on adding more light. Penguins are most active at dawn and dusk, and I’d like to achieve more evening glow and currently feel it’s a bit flat. Any other suggestions would be more than welcome as it’s not precious.
Hi there, this Is Supercute! I’ve just been doodling around in procreate so I hope you don’t mind I put your drawing in there’s and did a quick addition of warm light, like the last bit before sunset, popped a few hi lights and lightened up the background so your beautiful flying boy would pop more. All your colors were pretty cool and I thought more contrast would help. take all this with a grain of salt, I’m a work on progress.
@AngelinaKizz love the concept and the characters are super cute. One quick tip on adding depth is to have things get less saturated, lighter, and take on more of the sky colour as the go into the distance. Currently your icy mountains are the same value, colour and saturation no matter how far away they are. Fixing that will help add loads more depth quickly.
@Larue thankyou!!!! I'll make more adjustments today!
@MarcRobinson thanks so much Marc! I will work on that today!
Hi Angelina,
maybe you can try to use some photo reference for that specificic light/environment setup. ( i do that a lot to analyse how light affects objects in the scene).
I think there is a lot of value jumps in your painting that might make the light look a bit inconsistent.
For the dusk/dawn setup i would expect everything in the scene to be lit in some blueish color? And maybe just some object are directly lit by sun / or icy objects having sun strong reflections?
Maybe something in this direction?
(i apologise for redrawing your picture, as i scribled quick over it) -
Thankyou marek! I always appreciate your insight and your ability to simplify the shapes while making it read so much clearer. I did almost this, but it’s on photoshop on my computer and I haven’t had a chance to upload it yet. I will later! -
@AngelinaKizz i think it would b nice to move the little dude more into the center so he has toom to travel! Very nice!
This is where i ended up. My prof pointed out that my penguins looked a whole bunch like tombstones and that even though she understood what i was doing with the perspective and getting lighter in the distance, that they needed to have a more dramatic penguin aesthetic. HAHA, glad she caught that one.
@AngelinaKizz I think what would be helpful is if you made the sky a deeper red and then also scattered more of the light across the snow since the sun. would be low on the horizon at dusk. making the shadows longer and more dramatic will help too i think. Also if the sun is low on the horizon and coming through the middle of the canyon I think you may want to change the direction of the shadows of the penguins in the middle ground. Another thing is I agree with what R. Fey Realme said that it would be nice to move the dude more towards the center so you give him more breathing room. It feels a little visually heavy on the right. Maybe it would also work if you had the dude looking to the left of the canvas or maybe almost behind himself that ways it doesn't feel like all the focus is going straight into the border. There's also a tangent between the yellow bird and the little ice platform in the bottom right quadrant but that should be an easy fix. Hope this can help! Also I really like the penguins they are so cute