Rabbit/Dragon Road race wip! Come give your 2 cents!
Hello guys!
It has been a while since I ve been last active in the forums!
I ll try to participate in this months challenge!
For this challenge I chose a character of mine that i already made for a past challenge!
Ron the little dragonpup was made along with Edward for the inktober challenge and they have now been established as the main characters for my upcoming book!For this challenge Ron, along with another new companion, Ralph the crazy rabbit are being chased by a tortoise in a better dragon!
Tortoises are not meant to lose races with rabbits, right?Comments and critiques are always welcome!
Here is Ralph the rabbit:
And here is Ron and Edward, my OC!
Done for svs challenge
and finalized after months of polishing!
Sorry for the long post!!
@Georgios-Christopoulos welcome back looks great!
@Asyas_illos thanks a lot!! your entries are amazing!
@Georgios-Christopoulos Great dynamism!
@JQ thank you Jun!Love your website and your art!
@Georgios-Christopoulos thank you ^^
@Georgios-Christopoulos I hate to bring this up but I feel it should be mentioned. This illustration doesn’t look or feel like "rabbit road race" to me. Just having a rabbit character doesn’t feel like enough to appeal to the prompt. This is also more of a sky race than a road race.
That being said I think the illustration in general is looking excellent. I just wanted to make sure I brought up the fact that this might not tie into the prompt enough.
Georgios Christopoulos 31 Jul 2022, 22:46
@Griffin thanks for your comment!I see your point, though I think there will be some freedom in what kind of road race will it be. Who knows? Even if it won't, I really wanted to do a dummy page for my book and took this chance with my characters!
Thanks again for the critique! I appreciate it! -
@Georgios-Christopoulos This lo0oks awesome!
@Nyrryl-Cadiz thank you veeeeery much!!
@Georgios-Christopoulos I love everything about this image, did you use procreate to make this image?
@PenAndrew thank you! Nope, good old heavy photoshop!
@Georgios-Christopoulos In fact I liked the first image you posted best, as it looked cleaner and really comic book.