1 Minute sketches excercise!
Hey everyone, just had an awesomely productive day yesterday at work and I wanted to share.
I'm a lead artist at a video game studio in Oregon, and one of my roles is to do a lot of concept art. I have a list of about 150 items/characters/animals/environments that I have to concept out over the next few months before we start production. Normally I'd divide this list up over time and do 1-4 concepts a day depending on complexity, but after hearing discussion here and on the Chris Oatley's podcast I had the idea to sit down with another lead and do 1 or 2 minute concept sketches of every item all in one day. It was amazing!
After 3 hours we got through 75 items on the list, and had 2 sketches for each item. We'll do the rest soon, but this was such a good excercise, not only was it fun, but we will now have a base sketch for every item in the game to then filter or take to completion and render, and it only took a few hours. So now, instead of starting each day over the next few months with a blank page, we have a starting point. Anyway, I was just stoked so I thought I'd share.
That is so great!
Wow! Thanks for sharing! Can you share some of the sketches too or are they confidential ?!
That sounds really good! Thank you for sharing!