Bed A or Bed B?
I can't decide, Bed A or Bed B? It should read mothy and cage-like
I'd say, mothy: B, cage-like: A
That's probably no help whatsoever.
It'll be interesting to hear what others say.
@Katherine B feels more menacing.
Edit: I meant A looks more menacing
@Katherine Bed A matches her staff from your character design sheet, so that's cool. It also feels more of a focal point with the design on it. If you want it to stand out, I would choose that one. Bed B does feel more mothy though, the design feels like it flows and is a little more subtle.
Thanks everyone! I think B takes it — A is drawing a bit too much attention, I think and I do think B is a bit more mothy so thank you everyone for your fresh eyes!
@Katherine I'm drawn more to B and on looking further into it, I can only say it's probably because the more dangerous feeling triangular shape language or the way that the second design leads me to feel as though the headrest is taller in B.
p.s. Wonderful job on making it look mothy! I love the incorporated circles!