My Fun Inktober 2021
Hi again!
Will be giving Inktober another go this year. How many of you are participating ?
Fortune Teller's Dilemma.
Day 1 : Crystal
We just can't drown, when we have good friends around
Day 2 : #suit
@Darian These are great! I love seeing your Inktober illustrations!
@Kim-Rosenlof Thank you Kim! They are challenging and fun to do : )
"Believe me, all I wanted to do, was to say hello."
Day 3 : #vessel
#inktober2021 #catfished
Your use of line hatching is really cool!!
@Frost-Drive Thanks Frost! Inking is fun!
"How about a trade?"
She asked, graciously.
For no one yet, has escaped the Serpent's Knot.Day 4 : Knot #inktober2021 #guardianoftreasure
IG :
Your drawings are looking great!! Love how you use the hatching to create light and shadow.
I had a plan and all this year, and was until the last moment thinking if I would participate or not, but ended up deciding that at this point, it would only be stressful to me. But I'm loving to see all the participations.
@TaniaGomesArt Thank you Tania. It can be overwhelming sometimes..i still have to have my dinner as I just posted Day 5's inking. It's 12 am here : )
Looking foward to seeing your art next year !
"Come, my dearest princess, meet your new, trustworthy friends."
Said the Raven Witch Queen.
Day 5 : Raven
Art process of this illustration :
"A fun fishing ride, with my playful Spirit Guide".
Day 6 : Spirit #inktober2021 #alebrijies #spiritanimal
Which animal do you resonate yourself with the most?
Your No.1 Fan.
Day 7 : Fan #inktober2021
Star Gazer.
Inktober day 8 : W A T C H
" I shall find you among the stars again, no matter what. "
She said to herself, with unflinching determination.
Illustration Process :
Paper Pressure!
Inktober Day 9 : P R E S S U R E
Every child's favorite time of the year
#examtime #blankedout
I like them! Keep ‘em coming!
What strikes me is the quality of every drawing. How long before did you start preparing for Inktober? And do you ‘do’ a drawing a day, or batches? I started with the preparing, but ultimately decided it would give to much added pressure at this current moment in time. But incidently our ideas for pressure were very similar.
@Niels Thanks Niels! The first one i started sketching a day before inktober ( 1st oct ), while the rest are done a day each. As you can see, I need to catch up by one day : )
" It's alright, you can come out now, for i choose you. "
Day 10 : P I C K
#monstersunderthebed #imaginaryfriend
Which illustration version would you 'pick' ? (Alternate version below)
Illustration process :
#inktober2021 #inktober21 #pick #inktoberprompts #inktober #inktoberpick #inktoberday10 #inktoberday10pick
Lemonade Jitters.
Day 11 : S O U R
Sometimes, all we need to do, is to take a leap of faith.
A warm and cozy Roof, on a cold, rainy day.
Day 13 : R O O F
Art Process :
#inktober #inktober2021 #inktoberroof #inktoberday13 #inktober21