Hi! New to the site, hoping to learn and collaborate.
Hi all,
I'm a graphic designer and part-time illustrator who has been working for a while. I do illustration on the side, mostly for smaller clients. I've recently signed up to do the classes here and have watched several hours of video already. The amount of info contained here is amazing!I'm at a point where my skills are stagnant, and feel like my work is all over the place stylistically. Hoping to pull some new things together and produce an all new portfolio. Especially interested in possibly creating some characters and stories, which is something I've never really done. You can see my work at www.tomparsonsart.com and on instagram @tomparsonsart.
I'll also be attempting to do some stuff for Inktober. Anyway, see you guys in the forums, cheers!
@tomparsonsart I love your stuff! Welcome to the forums!
@chrisaakins Thanks, same here! Hope to post some stuff for critique soon.
@tomparsonsart hi! welcome to the forum