2 Sept 2021, 09:47

Hello everybody! It's been a while.
A few months ago, I posted a few pieces of a mini-series I was doing about lions made up of the 4 elements. I've just finished the 4th one, fire (finally) after a long delay because I wasn't happy with the original concept drawing. But I've come to one which I really love.
I actually posted yesterday as I wasn't sure what needed fixing as something was off. But I then realised what it was. I've since re-worked it again.
Let me know your thoughts on it, what's good about, what maybe needs improving.
The issue I was having yesterday was that there wasn't enough contrast between the background setting and the lion itself and it felt like the focus was all over the place. I've tried toning it down in the background but still would just like another set of eyes please.
I do understand there is a lot going on in it.

Thanks in advance

Screenshot 2021-09-02 at 10.45.06.png