Looking for Critique on Draw 50 Things
Finally finished my Samurai Frog piece I posted a few days back.
Looking for brutally honest feedback! Thanks!
Love it! I like how you reserved white for the glinting of the sword and the bandage!
I love your use of limited colour, it works so well in this piece. Even with so many things in the image you managed to keep your frog character as a strong focal point. The only criticism I have is the pose of the frog is maybe a little stiff? I imagine he might be leaning over the table more rather standing straight and looking straight ahead. I think you could make his pose a little more dynamic to better illustrate the movement of sharpening the sword. Also, is that supposed to be a cigarette in his mouth? If so I'd add some smoke to make that more obvious. Overall I think it's a great piece, I am nit-picking really. Makes me want to try the draw 50 things challenge myself.
Hi @saldanastudios This looks good! The drawing is neatly arranged and not cluttered despite the fifty things. Its a good composition. I would suggest that you tone down the red floor a bit because you have created equal weight in space and tone between the frog and floor. Because the red on the floor is more intense than the red on the frog, my eye keeps going there. Also, you could desaturate the background greys and saturate the foreground greys. Everything is the same and the illusion of depth is missing. I also thought the frog was sitting at a desk and his action was lost on me until I read someone else's comment. Also, the light from the overhead lantern is wrong. It should be coming out in five directions unless it is some kind of pendulum lantern.
One last thing. The window reads like a flat-screen TV to me. Maybe have the curtains overlap onto the wall?
You said you wanted brutal honesty. I hope I wasn't too harsh. I really like the piece and I think it is pretty strong as is. I like the little details like the Froggie metals on the wall and the minifridge.
@saldanastudios Hello! This isn't a critique, but I just wanted to say that I really like the warped perspective of this drawing. When I first looked at it, I didn't notice at all, but after looking at it for a while then I noticed it. I think it's really cool that you were able to do that!
@RachelArmington Thank you! And yes I definitely used it sparingly.
@Annabishop I definitely agree about the pose, sadly I didn't really notice until after I finished inking it! I'll definitely keep it in mind for my next piece.
@saldanastudios The content of the picture is cool, you get a real feel for the character from his surroundings! Nice details. The one issue I see is that my eye is drawn to the carpet, left wall, windows and tv... then to the frog. My brain knows I should be seeing the frog first, but I don't. Maybe it is the intensity of the background colors vs the intensity/saturation of the frog and what he's focused on. Or maybe it's the big contrast between the windows and tv with the floor walls. Hope this is helpful