13 Feb 2016, 21:28

This thread will be the main place I put my sketches and studies. I'll start with recent stuff within the last few months. For now I'll mainly be posting watercolor field sketches and general studies, as well as digital studies as I go through the classes. I'll also post about resources, supplies and ideas I find helpful... maybe they'll be helpful to someone else as well 🙂

One of my biggest struggles with art has been not doing the work. I need to get in a lot more mileage, so at the end of last year I got in the habit of bringing my field sketching set everywhere to draw whenever I had a chance. Eventually I want to do narrative illustration and begin to do full compositions, but in the mean time I just want to get in the habit of just doing something, anything, as I get the hang of various mediums and basic art skills.

Thoughts and critiques are welcome! I can take it and my art needs it. My philosophy with art is to view myself as a beginner no matter what stage I'm at and how much I learn. While I might not try every piece of advice, I'll consider everything I read and see how it can influence my future sketches.

I'll start with the first three pages of the notebook I started in December. Want to see if my image sizing is working...

The very first page:

This one felt a bit heavy handed with the paint, mainly the sky, but I like the overall feel of it:

Trying to be a bit looser: