Portfolio Help
Hi there, hope you're all doing fantastic!
I feel I'm at a point where I'm ready to approach publishers and agents with my work. While I initially set out to create 10 - 15 pieces for my portfolio, I've discovered that each agency has different rules regarding how many portfolio pieces to submit.
While I have my favourites, I'm kinda struggling to choose which are definites to include. Any chance some of you could take a quick look over the following images and pick a top 5? Also if there are any that definitely shouldn't be included I'd really like to know.
Thanks for your help!
TLDR: Need help choosing which portfolio pieces to submit.
The Great Monster Bake Off Cover:
Girl and Tree:
Fishing Robot:
Elephant Rocket:
Reluctant Dragon:
Jack and the Beanstalk:
Jack and the Beanstalk spots:
Space Slime:
Monster Kids:
@skillydan IMO, your strongest pieces are:
- Lovebirds
- Monster Kids (Is the letter in the background a sign or lettering on a glass window? Trying to find out if the letter orientation is correct.)
- Reluctant Dragon (Perhaps a version without text?)
- Girl and Tree
- Space Slime
Honorable Mention to:
- Elephant Rocket
- Fishing Robot
- Jack and the Bean Stalk
Lassie could be a good ice-breaker, but it depends on the art director's personality.
I love your style! Personally my absolute favourite is Fishing Robot (both the subject and how well you pulled it off), and four others I think are top are... Girl and Tree, Space Slime, Jack and the Beanstalk, and Lovebirds. I think they're pretty varied, though I think it might be important to include some spot illustrations as well. I also really like the Monster Bake Off in that it is quite different!