Finished Worked
I am grateful for all the help I have had from the forums since I joined a few months ago. Great group of people and look forward to further communication with you all. Besides for a few 3rd Thursday pieces I have shared I figured I would start a post with some of my other pieces I have done in the past. Comments/Crits welcome.
Having the same problem as you, and not to be unkind, just a fellow sufferer of wishing I could do them better consistently - I think you should be careful or more alert with how you draw hands. I see it in the Valentine Ski Mask guy, the Alien Gunman, and more so in the green hands facing the alley way group, which also has forearm problems on the men... a kind of Popeye spinach growth.
Also the Mermaid is a little out of proportion and hunched, she's losing a curve of her spine to a very low sense of gravity, yup even in water... and her neck is much too far out, coming out of her chest rather than her shoulders.
I like your use of textures very much, I think that is your strong suit, the composition is better in some than others, watch that dead center placement, when some times 3/4 of a figure is more interesting to depict than a flat shoulder, arms and legs out wide approach. When you go to your more cartoony style, the first two pieces and the last, these exaggerated features come out as character, but in your more realistic ones, the flaws stand out far too much.
Let me make it clear, they have a lot of charm, but a polish on your anatomy would go a long long way. The Freddy and the Penguin pieces work very well, for your color sense and cuteness factor. And the Elephant and Hippo are terrific. Fan art is a tough sell, when you go off the likeness or just come close to it. Compositionally your final piece is the strongest, and most fun.
Hope some of that helped.
@Bobby-Aquitania Thank you very much for your crits. All of these pieces are before I started taking classes on SVS. I do feel I am growing in my ideas and composition as I continue to work.
I call him Frat. Half frog/Half rat.
Last summer three of my kids were in theather camps. The characters from those camps mixed into one scene and a few lines they had.