Yeti Cooking Sketch Feedback! WIP
I want to start rendering/finishing this rough sketch but I'm a bit uncertain, so I'm looking for some feedback regarding the composition. Thanks!instagram:
Oooh love the birds
️ Is there a story behind why the yeti is sad?
@donnamakesart Thank you! Actually I didn't intend to make him look sad, i guess I just wanted to make him look kind and loving. Will try to fix this
Thanks for letting me notice it -
I like the individual items in the picture, though the yeti does look a bit sad. Composition wise, would making the yeti a bit bigger work for you? That way it would push the yeti a bit more into the focus of the drawing, without having to drop the birds. Now my eye first noticed the left bird and the couldron/barbecue first.
@SaherYosry not sure you need the bird on the right, my eye keeps looking over there but I would rather focus on the other bird and the yeti.
Awesome sketch! I really like how you overlapped everything, makes a tight composition, nice! I agree about the expression. The eyebrows tilted up like that make him look sad--which could be good storytelling! What's made him sad? Also, I might extend the arm holding the spoon more, so it looks like he's stirring. Both the legs and arms are very symmetrical, which makes the pose a little static. A nice spot illustration. I'm curious to know what the bird has brought to add to the the pot, and what the yeti is cooking!
@MarksByMallory Thank you for the awesome feedback!
@holleywilliamson I guess you're right!