Looking to Publish My Book
Hey guys!I am so excited to be getting a few copies to my newly written/illustrated children's book. The title of my book is "Are You Scared, Ninja?" and it follows the journey of a little ninja who isn't as brave as he thought.
I am happy to say that I have a copyright on this book and the series, but I truly want to publish it as well. any suggestions on who would be good to publish it with?I am totally open to what you guys think.
@Kori-Jensen are you looking for a printer or publisher?
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@Nyrryl-Cadiz Publisher
Thank you!
@Kori-Jensen awesome. Well, you seem to have a finished book which is good. But publishers want to see a book dummy plus 2 or 3 finished illustrations. They want an unfinished product because are mostly going to make some changes to improve your work and dummies are easier to play around than a finished book. Do you have a dummy prepared?
@Nyrryl-Cadiz I have a finished prepared but I am more or less willing to make some changes, I have my entire adobe suite to make changes