I recently started mentoring with my favorite artists Dominic Glover. I recently found that my biggest issues is that I don’t look before I leap. I want to draw things that are way above my technical skills and as a result I feel bad about my art. At the same time, I do sometimes challenge myself and am proud of my results. Recently I have been trying to improve my poses and I have been happy with the results. I also have been trying to do more female portraits in which my harshly critical sister said I made an improvement. Lately, I believe I have been pretty dedicated to the drills and lessons he has assigned. I am willing to work hard and I enjoy the thrill of learning. While I mostly draw animals and pets, I have been really interested in drawing comic art. I had this idea to draw Luke Skywalker and Ahsokah teaming up to fight stormtroopers. I went ahead of myself and Dominic told me that I need to ground myself in the present. I want to draw things and do things that I could only do in years ahead, but I am unable to accept that I cant do it yet. My dad often complains that I draw the same thing all the time, but when I branch out, I often get ahead of myself and it isn’t fun. Tons of artists stick to their niche and so maybe I don't have anything to worry about. Dominic glover likes drawing comic characters, Ergojosh draws sexy ladies, Prophet art draws Star Wars characters, and Aaron blaze draws animals. I always thought that being an artist meant never being satisfied, but maybe I should be satisfied. I need to be grateful for my current skills and enjoy my hobby. When I look back at art form last year I think, “yuck that is awful, I can’t believe I thought it was awesome!” But to normal people like my dad, they don’t see the subtle improvements that gradually occur over time. I need to get this feeling of impatience out of my head as it is what is holding me back from improving faster. If anyone has similar issues, what do you do, and how can I help myself.I linked my instagram because maybe it wil be useful. -
There are plenty of tutorials online that teach you how to draw a certain way and improve your art. Especially on Instagram, Tumblr, Youtube, and DeviantArt. This is how I managed to get my art to the level it is today after almost 10 years learning digital art and even then there are some areas that could always use improvement.
If you want to learn how to draw comics I suggest following Patrick Brown on instagram. He has his own Patreon that breaks down his entire process and can help you learn how to achieve a more classic action here look to your art.
I also recommend Ethan Becker on Youtube to teach you about facial anatomy and think in a 3D space. But if there are specific pieces you want us to critique... just pick one and the forum will offer their input.
Okay - First I completely understand how you feel about drawing things outside your current skill level and after your attempt you feel its lackluster or not to your expectations. BUT
Thats Art. If you don't try and push yourself each time you will do the same things over and over and only microscopically improve.
Theres a bunch of classes here that break down the fundamentals and you should take time with them. Use them as exercises that build real muscle. Create an Art map of your favorite artists that will give you an idea of the art YOU like to make. Also finding your niche and groove happens by accident you cant force it. Let it flow to you in time!
Sure fire way to improve. MASTER Copies, Tracing (Yes, Actual Tracing* digital and Tradational) and experiment.
When you master copy dont just copy without thinking. Analzyse why you like the art and mimic as close as possible everything you can from it. Lines, color, effects etc
Do a 1 to 1 study. Do one master copy and give yourself time to do it then do your own piece using what you learned.
Create small projects for yourself that go beyound the scope of pin up art. Find other mentors that will deversify your skill set. Join some patreons.And give yourself a break, Its a sprint not a marathon.
Get feed back from artists underneath you, at your level and beyound you and take all of it at your discression. Non artists arent looking at things the way you are so your Dad is only going to help or hinder you.
@Ari-Sorokin I'm not sure I completely agree with Dominic Glover on this one. I think it's important to do things outside of your comfort zone so you can improve. Not even attempting things "outside your skill level" seems counterproductive. However, maybe he just means that you need to go there incrementally - like instead of going straight for drawing a crowd, try doing a face first, then a person, then a couple, then 5 people, then a crowd. That makes sense! You don't want to overwhelm yourself so much that you become depressed or rage quit. However it's important to draw things that make you feel excited once in a while, even if it's not in your assigned drawing drills, or you might get bored or it will start just not being fun anymore. The ideal thing would be to find the level that's only 1 step ahead of where you are right now (not 10 steps ahead) and find a topic that excites you within those parameters.
@Ari-Sorokin you absolutely need to be satisfied with your work. You have to make art that you are proud of before you think about or prioritize other people’s opinions about/getting a huge social media following.
Getting to the skill level you want to will take time. You’re still in high school, still discovering your passions in art. That will take time!
Allow me to give you my own story. I’ve been making art for 15 years, including my high school years. For most of my college years I was stuck at a skill level far behind most of my classmates, which resulted in me failing my portfolio review three times and changing majors. Talk about a situation that invites impatience. Now, after teaching high school digital art and animation for six years and doing my own art on the side, I have just now started to really hone my skills.
So my advice: keep practicing and practice a lot of different ways. Sketch in front of your truck, sketch in a coffee shop (if you’re in a state where dining/outdoor dining is allowed right now). Get figure drawing books, study anatomy...everything! Your job right now is to explore, absorb and discover your passions.
I hope this helps.