3 Mar 2020, 09:36

Hey everyone!

Soooo, I have been 'Freelancing' for a good 3/4s of a year now since my last job ended, and when I started I hadn't had any direction for my work and didn't know what to do yet. I've since tried to gear towards children's illustration and looking at my portfolio now, I can at least say that the entire homepage consists of new art that I created in the spirit of that objective.

In that time I have sent one set of post cards to 150 publishers recently, and queried very few agencies. Those got back to me saying my work was beautiful but they didn't have any availability for it at the moment. Fair enough! I've also had two publishers respond to me saying they liked my work and would keep me on file in case of a suitable project.

It might be that I just simply haven't emailed enough agencies, and that I should just trust the relatively positive response I have gotten and continue searching. But part of me still wonders if that is just a polite wave-off and my work is still not suitable for any agency or publisher. Although I love creating the work I do now, and like how it looks a lot myself, I constantly worry that it isn't textured or stylistic enough to work for what I want to do. Maybe my favourite colour pallettes even are holding me back?

Needless to say at the moment I feel a bit hazy about working on my career when it feels like I haven't really made any headway in a year.

So I'd super appreciate if anyone has any insight after taking a look at my portfolio.


Is there something crucial I am missing? Should I be going back to the drawing board on some of this or just stop worrying and start querying more?

Thanks for any help!
