Relocating to another country (art jobs, visas, etc.)
Sounds exciting but very daunting. Just to add to Vanessaβs suggestion on how to get to freelance work, I suggest going to facebook groups for childrenβs book authors. There a lot of self-publishing authors who are looking for illustrators. However, most of them haggle too much and can be too demanding. I suggest sifting through them for the readonable ones. I hope this helps.
@animatosoor Ah I'm kind of in the reverse situation where I'm moving back to Australia after living in Germany for three years with my partner (and being only a few months here as a full-time illustrator). But that's really exciting to be moving!
My advice would be to check out some expat forums or groups in Canada cause they'll definitely have the low down on the artist bureaucratese - where and how to register, tax, health insurance, and even visas
I'm still in the starting stages of my illustration career though so can't quite share any meaningful experience on how to get that engine up and running.
Following this thread and cheering you on at the same time hehe
@NessIllustration Thanks for the heads-up - I'll do more research to confirm that freelancing while there on a tourist visa would be allowed.
I will look into remote work opportunities as well. I've searched for them before, but I need to get into doing that again. I've looked at Behance, LinkedIn and even Upwork, but it's been very challenging to put myself out there to even try for these jobs due to how nervous I've been about my abilities over the years.
It's interesting that you mentioned selling prints, since that is something I have been seriously considering getting into in the near future. I'm looking into creating a few collections/series that I could sell, either on Etsy or directly on my website (which is in the planning stages).
Overall it sounds like remote jobs and recurring gigs would be the way to go, and I no longer want to sit on my hands and bow to my fears. I'm tired of my fears.
When trying for remote jobs without any serious prior client work to show, would you recommend sending them a link to a solid portfolio website with personal projects you've set for yourself? That is the strategy I have in mind right now, but it's pretty much my only one - apart from eventually trying for an agent. I just wonder if it would be enough to land any of these remote jobs.
Thank you for all the wonderful insight once again.
@nyrrylcadiz Thanks for your suggestion! I'm adding this to the notes I have on this subject matter, haha. Looking in FB groups is not something I'd previously considered, and it's definitely helpful.
@NelsonYiap Thank you so much for this, Nelson. It is good to hear that you've also had experience relocating before!
I will look into expat forums and groups in Canada some more. While I've searched them before, I've never actually taken part in any discussions there, and it would probably really help.
It's really exciting for me to see you grow in your illustration career - just know that I'm rooting for you as well!
@animatosoor I know it's scary to put yourself out there! It is for everyone, but maybe especially for artists because we always seem to doubt ourselves. Your work looks extremely beautiful and professional though, there is no reason you wouldn't be able to get work, unless you keep yourself back and don't try. Over the years, I've seen many artists that were just okay, not amazing or anything, get a ton of work just because they put themselves out there and apply for everything. There is a LOT of work out there, enough for everyone, and you just have to be brave enough to ask for it
Your style seems like it would fit amazingly well in picture books, so also send your work to book publishers!!
I would also suggest you start now, don't wait for everything to be perfect! A website can take a long time to build. The first couple rounds of applications I sent, I simply did it with a Behance portfolio (a website, it's free with Creative Cloud and takes just a few minutes to build from a Behance profile). It's much faster than setting up a website and allows you to start at least! When you send out portfolios to agents or publishers, it takes months before they get back to you. So don't put it off until you're in the middle of moving!
@animatosoor iβve found a few jobs there but like I said, you have to be picky with which client to work with. Some are just looking for the cheapest artist they could find so you have to be careful with those.
@NessIllustration It means a lot to hear this from someone with work as professional as yours, and who's been published! It's very helpful to hear your viewpoint on what my art looks like (to you). Thank you for the compliments! This year I am going to be trying for lots of jobs, and if I don't get them, then, hey, at least I would have tried, and maybe I would even get constructive feedback.You're right about the amount of jobs out there, and how we need to get out of our own way sometimes.
I will start sooner rather than later, that's for sure. My mistake in the past years was to keep my art to myself, telling myself "I will share it with the public when it's good enough." And that never worked. Adam Duff's two videos on this matter (along with Will's, Jake's and Lee's advice) were huge kicks in the butt. I'll put the Adam Duff videos here in case anybody else who's reading this is in a similar position with their art-related anxieties, and need to hear this:
Is Your Art Good Enough For The Public?
Why You're Afraid to Share Your Art PubliclyAs for starting now, I was previously delaying the actual building of my website, thinking "Oh, I'll create it when I have my 12 pieces!" But I'm coming away from this discussion thinking it's best to start building it right away. I'm going to be working on that alongside creating new pieces for my portfolio.
I currently already have a Behance portfolio, but my page is fairly new and I'm only now learning how to properly use it. I will look into building that up once again. Thank you for the reminder to not put all of this off till the moving has started. And overall, thank you for being such a wonderful fellow artist!
Thank you, @nyrrylcadiz. I will keep this in mind when looking through those FB groups.
@animatosoor Holy hell, did you just say Adam Duff? Oh my, I didn't know he had a Youtube channel! Adam taught me for a semester in college, he taught a 2D animation class!
@NessIllustration He taught you a semester in college?! Oh my God, that's awesome!
His YouTube channel is full of inspiring golden nuggets. Full of them, hahah, like the two I shared in my post above! There was one I listened to just the other night while painting, and it made me tear up a little bit.
Me and my girlfriend are also moving to Canada early 2020 ! We have working holiday Visas, so we are allowed to work - but beyond that i'm also wondering how to go about it.
Where will you be moving to? I'm hoping there are some decent studios or at least art/design-related companies I can get involved in to avoid getting stuck in a 'day job' again - but freelancing would be my dream!
The advice in this thread already seems good, and I think being proactive and hunting for work in lots of different places is the best bet, and having enough savings to give yourself some breathing room too.
will keep an eye on this thread, nice to see we're in the same boat though!!
@AndyIllo Wow, that's awesome, and really exciting news!
We're looking at Toronto. We were there a couple months ago, and loved it there, but because I didn't have any part of my freelance art career figured out then, and I was on a tourist visa, I didn't have any way to work. That was stressful, and I want to learn from my mistakes for the next time I'm there.
What about you - where in Canada are you looking at?
Congrats on the working holiday visas! Were they difficult to obtain, by the way? My goal in the coming months would definitely be to proactively look for remote jobs/freelance work, as well as be more present online with my artwork. Both of which I'd most certainly slept on over the years.
If I come across studios or freelance work - if you are interested in that - that I think you might be interested in, I would send them your way!
As a side note: I joined this forum because I wanted to gain direction in my art, grow as an artist and meet fellow artists; and I knew there would be warm folks here, but never expected this level of warmth! Hearing all your experiences makes all my future plans feel slightly less daunting, if that makes sense; there's this "communal" feeling.
@animatosoor Toronto looks ace! Nice to go and see the country first, but also good that you can learn from that
We are currently looking at going to Vancouver but also a bit concerned about the cost of living there. Maybe some Canadians in here can advise where has a good creative scene?
The Visa was a bit of a hassle, it's a lottery basically, so you enter your name and then you MIGHT get chosen to apply. Different countries have different quotas but thankfully the UK had quite a few places. The application itself was easy enough but lots of hoops to jump through with things like police background checks, references from employers etc.
Yeah that would be awesome!! I can do the same for you if you'd like, I don't have any experience with children's books, but i'm interested in getting into publishing doing things like book covers, so If I see anything I will let you know!
I have also slept on self-promo, so getting my name out there is my main goal too- I'm finding Instagram a surprisingly good way to network with art directors, but who knows if it will develop into work...
and yeah this forum is an amazing community!! Still more of a lurker at the moment but I read it every day
@animatosoor @AndyIllo Both Toronto and Vancouver have thriving arts scenes like most big cities I suppose. Each has a different feel - Toronto I guess is more urban, multicultural vibe while Vancouver is more outdoorsy, enjoying nature - type vibe? In my head I imagine it is like the difference in vibe between NY and LA.
I came to Canada in 1988 and now some 30 years later can honestly say it was the best decision of my life. Although I still get homesick pangs especially in the dead of winter, (I am originally from the Caribbean so my first winter here was a bit of a shock, to say the least
) I wouldn't change a thing. I can't really help with info on the various visas etc. cos a lot has changed since my move and I know nothing about the professional arts scene but I wish you both the best of luck with your move!
P.S. Happy We the North Day!!!!!:smiling_face_with_open_mouth:
@AndyIllo Thanks for sharing your experience with the working holiday visas. I'm happy to know that you managed to get it!
Also, thank you for keeping an eye out for children's book opportunities - I would definitely appreciate that.
Your editorial work is beautiful, by the way. Very inspiring stuff. Definitely write to magazines you're interested in working for if you'd like more editorial work!
Self-promotion can be tough work. It doesn't come easy to me, and I'm still learning the ropes.
@MissMushy Thank you for weighing in - it's really helpful to hear from Canadians on this matter, as @AndyIllo said.
And I appreciate hearing from you even without all the visa information - it's beyond helpful to hear from locals on what to expect.
I see that you have mentioned not having a lot of information on the arts scene there, but out of curiosity, have you been able to freelance in art during these years, or work in any studios near you?
Thank you for the wishes, and Happy We the North Day! Hahah
@animatosoor unfortunately, I only came to pursue art recently, after professional careers in accounting and social work (yes I know - I'm weird
) so haven't attempted freelancing or otherwise myself - still consider myself a beginner artist. I am sure others on here will be able to weigh in on that aspect.
@MissMushy You're not at all weird for only having gotten into art recently - it's fairly common these days, it seems, and there's nothing wrong with it.
Again, it means more than I can say just to hear from you on this, so thank you!
@animatosoor I may have to go through his videos! He was a great teacher after all haha. His French was a bit broken but he was trying real hard, and he always had great wisdom to impart